TRANSFIL © 2016, The University of Warwick (the "Software Model")
The Software Model remains the property of the University of Warwick ("the University").
The Software Model is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software Model, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software Model. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software Model.
The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software Model.
No part of the Software Model may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions.
You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software Model commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software Model into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software Model or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software Model or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software Model to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software Model commercially, please contact Warwick Ventures Limited("WVL"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: quoting reference. If you are in any doubt if your use constitutes commercial use, contact WVL:
The mf prevalence in the population before intervention occurs. Due to the stochastic nature of the model this is a prevalence averaged over many independent runs and so should be treated as an approximation only.
This tool provides a way of assessing the impact of various interventions for a variety of backgrounds for Lymphatic Filariasis transmission.
The underlying model is stochastic and individual-based. Its description includes an individual's worm burden, mf burden as well as aspects of the transmission cycle in mosquito populations. Various interventions are also modelled on the population. The main intervention is mass drug administration (MDA), where different regimens can be selected. Interventions also include vector control including bed-nets and insecticide treatment. A full model description can be found in the accompanying P&V paper, which can be found in the further reading section. Please note that the model has only been validated against a certain number of settings, details of which can be found in the paper.
Initially no analyses will be present and you will need to add a new one. Do this by clicking on the menu button in the top-left corner and selecting Add Scenario. This will bring up a panel with various settings for the scenario that will be run. The settings are grouped under main headings that can be clicked on to reveal them. The main settings are
Once the desired options for the scenario have been selected, click Run Scenario to begin the calculations or close to close the panel and cancel the scenaro. Whilst running please wait for all simulations to complete. A progress bar at the bottom of the panel provides an estimate of the progress. Once completed the scenario should display automatically.
This is provided on the left-hand side and provides a detailed description of outcomes for the individual scenario selected. The blue line indicates the median value of the outputted statistic, whilst the grey lines show all the individual runs. The different scenarios that have been computed can be selected on using the tabs on top of this panel.
The label for the scenario can be changed by selecting the settings button. This also provides an overview of the scenario parameters that were used to run the simulation.
The individual runs for the scenario can be downloaded using the download button. This generates a csv file with columns time (years),run,microfilaraemia,antigenaemia and mosquito prevalence.
The scenario can be deleted using the delete button.
These can be selected on the right-hand side. Various comparison statistics can be selected and the results for each scenario computed are shown.
TRANSFIL © 2016, The University of Warwick (the "Software Model")
The Software Model remains the property of the University of Warwick ("the University").
The Software Model is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software Model, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software Model. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software Model.
The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software Model.
No part of the Software Model may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions.
You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software Model commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software Model into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software Model or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software Model or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software Model to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software Model commercially, please contact Warwick Ventures Limited("WVL"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: quoting reference. If you are in any doubt if your use constitutes commercial use, contact WVL: